LoadView limits are dependent on the type of the LoadView plan. To run tests with a higher limit load, upgrade your current plan (Account > Upgrade Subscription > Load Testing > Manage).

For the tests over regular limits, manual account verification is necessary. To verify your account, please contact sales.

Find the Load Test limits in the table below.

Paid Account Paid Verified Account Free Trial
HTTP(S) Users (maximum simultaneous users) 50,000 500,000 100
Browser Users (maximum simultaneous users) 5,000 50,000 10
Load Injector Servers 2,000 8,000 2
Test Duration 40 min 25 hrs 15 min

LoadView uses Load Injector Servers from Amazon Web Services and Azure Cloud Services. Load Injector Servers can be generated from a number of geographical zones.

For safety reasons, we limit the number of LIs to run a test. If you are planning to run very large load tests, please contact technical support to allocate extra capacity in AWS data centers.

Generally, LoadView can instantiate up to 500 Load Injectors per zone. The maximum number of Users Per Load Injector is 1001 for HTTP (S) Users and 25 for Browser Users. Thus LoadView can run up to 8,000,000 concurrent users for HTTP(S) Load Test and 225,000 browser users for Web page/Web Application Load Tests.

SMS verification is required for tests over $500.

Manual account verification is required for tests over $5000. Contact sales to verify your account.