LoadView allows comparing load test results between different test runs. For example, using the Compare option, you can easily track the changes in the results of a test before and after a new feature release or website optimization. Or, you can compare results of several test runs under a different configuration.

To compare results of several load tests with each other:

  1. On the Test Reports page, select the reports you want to compare.
  2. On the appeared bulk action toolbar in the report list header, click the Compare icon. The reports will be open in the Load Test Reports Comparison view.

If you run a test several times and want to check the difference between the runs:

  1. On the Test Scenarios manager page, find the test and click it to review.
  2. On the test page, go to the Reports tab, and then in the report list select the reports you want to compare.
  3. On the appeared bulk action toolbar, click the Compare icon. The reports will be open in the Load Test Reports Comparison view.

Customizing Comparison View

The comparison view shows charts with data from the selected reports. By default, LoadView shows all report charts. However, you can customize the comparison view by configuring the Show Charts filters.

To show or hide specific data on the charts, use the corresponding filters on the chart legends.

Sharing Comparison Results

To share the result of the report comparison with other users registered under your LoadView account, click the Copy Link icon to copy the link to the report page.