If you forgot your password, you can reset it and create a new one using the Forgot Password? link available on the Dotcom-Monitor login page:

  1. Click Forgot Password on the login page.
  2. Add your username or email address to your account and click Request Reset link. We will send an email with a password reset link to the email address currently associated with your account. If you do not receive the reset password email, please check your Spam(Junk) folder.
  3. Follow the link in the email. Depending on the account type, you may receive two reset links in the email: one generated for your username and one for your email address. You can use either of the links to reset your password.
  4. On the reset password page, enter and confirm your new password.

Please see how to change your password from within your Dotcom-Monitor account in the Changing a User Password article of this wiki.