Device Manager provides an overview of all devices configured on your account.

Once a device has been created, it appears in the list on the Device Manager page.

In the Device Manager list, you can see at a glance the number of devices, the status of the device, the frequency of monitoring on each device and the timestamp the device was last monitored. You can also quickly perform several actions relating to devices, including enabling, postponing, and silencing a device as well as cloning a device or task, deleting a device or task and running a status report or an SLA report.

Adding a New Monitoring Device

Click the New Device button to begin the process of adding a new device.

How to Search a Device in the List

To find a device with a specific name in the list of existing devices, in the search field next to the Device Manager header, begin typing the name of a device you are looking for. The list will be filtered according to the entered characters.

Note that it is important to give your devices a very specific name so that you can easily find them later.

How to Filter Devices by Attributes

The list of devices can be filtered by the following attributes:

  • Device status
  • Package
  • Tag
  • Task Type
  • Location

Click the filter icon in the Device Manager header. Here you can select the necessary filters. The list will be automatically filtered according to your choice.

Quick Access to Online Reports

Clicking a device line in the Device Manager list will take you to the Online Reporting page.

Device Management

Devices can be managed using actions from the device menu accessed by clicking the Show Actions button   (device menu) in a device row or the actions buttons:

  • Reports: you can select to configure and generate such reports as an Online report for the device in a brand-new form, SLA report, or Legacy Report (same as Online Report but in a different form).
  • Edit: opens the page for editing the device.
  • Frequency: you can select a frequency you need to run the device with from the list.
  • Locations: opens monitoring locations dialog for editing.
  • Tag As: opens Tag Manager. See more on using tags in Dotcom-Monitor in Using Tags.
  • New Target: add a new monitoring target to a WebView or ServerView device. See more in Adding Several Targets within a Single Device.
  • Postpone: stops the monitoring process for the specified period. See more details in the Postponing Monitoring During Routine Maintenance article.
  • Run Now: runs monitoring the device regardless of the scheduler.
  • Postpone > Unpostpone: activates monitoring of the postponed device.
  • Clone: create a copy of the device.
  • Delete: deletes the device.
  • Alert Silence: disable alerts for the device for 10, 30, 60, or 180 minutes.
  • Send Test Alert: sends a test alert email.

Bulk Actions

To complete a certain action to multiple devices at one time:

  1. Select the devices in the list.
  2. On the appeared toolbar in the list header, click the necessary action button.

How to Disable Alerting for a Device

To temporary disable alerting for a device:

  1. Click the device menu button .
  2. On the device menu, point to Alert Silence.
  3. Select a period of time for disabling(silencing) alerts –  10-minutes, 30, 60, or 180 minutes.

If the option is configured, the alert for a device will be silenced for a specified period and the device will be marked with the mute icon  in the list. This temporary alerting limitation covers all alert types.

Alert Silence vs. Schedules:

The Alert Silence command disables alerting but monitoring continues, while the use of a schedule stops monitoring for the scheduled period.

For details, see Postponing Monitoring during Routine Maintenance.

How to Clone a Device

To clone a device, on the device menu, select Clone.
The page will refresh and a copy of the device will be appended to the list of devices with the word “copy” added to the end of the device name. The clone will include all settings of the original device.

How to Test Alert Notifications

To make sure the notification emails don’t get caught in spam, use the Send Test Alert option from the device menu in Device Manager after configuring a new device.

Instant Monitoring Check with Run Now

The Run Now feature simplifies the operation of a device during situations when you’re working on “urgent” issues. By selecting the Run Now action you instantly initiate a monitoring check from all “spare” (specified for the selected device, but currently free of active sessions) monitoring agents. This can be especially helpful when you need fast, fresh monitoring results while addressing “urgent” issues.
To Run Now, select Run Now from the device menu.

Run now ignores the previous state (success/failure/undefined) of a device. In the case of the Web Applications monitoring that means a video recording will be performed each time the Run Now command is executed.

Export the Device List to CSV

To export the list of the devices presented on the Device Manager screen, from the manager’s action menu, select Export to CSV.

Monitoring Platforms

Depending on the type of packages you have purchased, you may see a Monitoring Platform appear in the list on the left sidebar menu more than once. To learn the difference between available packages please contact sales.