Website Monitoring: Improve Customer Conversion and Retention

Website Monitoring
Website Monitoring Improves Customer Conversion and Retention
{ photo credit: Fosforix }

If your business relies upon e-commerce or online marketing channels to attract customers, it is important that you consider the impact poor website performance can have on your business. At a recent Velocity Conference, Eric Schurman (Microsoft) and Jake Brutlag (Google) noted “Users who experience a 2-second site slowdown make almost 2% fewer queries, click 3.75% less often, and report being significantly less satisfied with their overall experience.”

What does this data mean to your business? Simply put, even a temporary reduction of your website’s performance can lead to lost revenue and have a dramatic impact on your ability to conduct business. Ultimately, the performance of your website, applications, and media streams can directly influence the success of your company.

With both revenue and customer satisfaction on the line, monitoring the performance, availability and effectiveness of your website is critical. Manually-based website monitoring is not an option. It’s costly, time-intensive, and inconsistent.

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Automated Website Monitoring

Dotcom-Monitor offers a wide range of performance and uptime monitoring services for websites, web applications, media streaming and more. By conducting around-the-clock monitoring of your website and applications, we work to help you optimize user experience and enhance customer conversion and retention.

With remote agents positioned all over the globe, we are able to offer a wide range of monitoring services, including:

  • Accessibility and Availability Checks
  • Performance Checks
  • Content Checks
  • Form Submission Reviews
  • Secure Site Monitoring
  • Server Digital Certificates
  • Client Digital Certificates
  • Cookie Support
  • Full-page Download Support and Monitoring

Review the performance of your website during a free trial. For more information on our service offerings, or to discuss your company’s monitoring needs, contact us today.

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