The 4 Principles of Building Website Trust | Website Uptime Button
One of the key principles involved in creating a successful website is establishing trust with users. These four key principles demonstrate how a unique, third-party website uptime validation tool helps to create trust with online users.
Website Monitoring, Waterfall Charts, & Webpages of the Lycra-clad
An icon in the Twin Cities triathlon community, Jerry Bous, has a website problem that’s good to have. He has been able to parlay his love for the sport of triathlon into an occupation as THE triathlon race announcer as well as owner of the very popular and respected website
But, the problem — similar to a triathlete who plateaus in their swim/bike/run speed at this point in the racing season — is that Jerry’s website may have recently “plateaued” in response time and in order to continue to improve is likely in need of some ongoing response time and performance monitoring.

Video: Application Monitoring with the EveryStep Macro Recorder
In this Application Monitoring Video we demonstrate the EveryStep Macro Recorder and use it to create Devices for monitoring websites and web applications.
Video: Alerts Configuration for Monitoring Devices
Download the video now. (45260 KB) This video provides a quick overview in how to get Alerts configured. If you’re curious how Filters, Schedules, and Groups all work together to help
Video: Platform Overview and Introduction to Devices
Download now: (31476 KB) In this video screen-cast, we log in to the Dotcom-Monitor Member’s site to look at the list of Platforms and Devices to finally create a
Video: Configuration Options for Monitoring Devices
Download now: Dotcom-Monitor_Configuration_Options_for_Devices.m4v (41166 KB)
Video: Monitoring Devices Overview
Update: a new version of this video is available here. Download now:Dotcom-Monitor_Devices_Overview.m4v (26040 KB)
Video: Dotcom-Monitor Services Overview
Download now: Dotcom-Monitor Overview.m4v (14960 KB)
IRCE: Online Retail – Monitoring the Cost of Things Great and Small
As many of the online retailers we spoke with at Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE) noted, putting together all of the pieces for a successful online presence is difficult. Many of the online retailers at the show were at IRCE to out-source pieces of their business since it is more effective and cost-effective to do so. In many cases. Dotcom-Monitor’s suite of Application monitoring, website monitoring, and other network monitoring tools make it easier for the online retailer s to focus on what they’re best at – serving customers.
Dotcom-Monitor’s New Look and Major Enhancements
Today Dotcom-Monitor celebrates a significant milestone as we’ve released some major updates to our services. These updates come wrapped within our four distinct service “platforms” – all offered in the unified Dotcom-Monitor User Interface. These platforms include: UserView Monitoring, MetricsView Monitoring, Web Load Stress Test & ServerView Monitoring.
Surf’s up in Ecommerce – Can External Monitoring be far behind?
With tentative, but palpable discussions about the “end of the recession” permeating the ecommerce gestalt, we’re expecting online retailers to brush off their platforms and hit the ground running at the 2010 IRCE show. With the combination of the bruising 2009 shopping year behind them and broad market acceptance of browser-based “user experience” monitoring online retailers will be looking for the “best bang for the buck from that technology from established vendors.
Dotcom-Monitor Launches On-Demand User Experience Monitoring for Web Applications and Transactions
UserView Monitoring is a proactive, regular browser-based web application monitoring tool, providing real-time monitoring, alerts, and reports on a user’s experience of web application performance and component connectivity. This regular browser-based monitoring tool for web applications/online transaction deployments continues Dotcom-Monitor’s focus on providing cost-effective, external monitoring solutions to administrators for online retailers, interactive agencies, and other industries focused on providing the highest quality of user experience.