Optimizing CDN Performance with Synthetic Monitoring: Warming Up and Maintaining Cache
Optimize CDN Performance with Synthetic Monitoring Synthetic monitoring involves simulating real-world user interactions with your website or application to test performance, availability, and functionality. Dotcom-Monitor’s synthetic monitoring solution takes this

New Year, New Strategies: Website Monitoring Trends for 2025
As we start the new year and the world of websites and web applications continues to grow, it’s important to understand how you want to connect to your customers and

What is API Monitoring? Importance, Tools & Strategies
What is API Monitoring? API is known as Application Programming Interface. It involves: A contract of service between two programs that specifies how they connect with one another. A collection

Christmas Holiday Website Monitoring to Ensure Peak Performance
Christmas Holiday Website Monitoring to Ensure Peak Performance The holiday season is a magical time of year—but for businesses, it’s also one of the busiest. As Christmas approaches, online traffic

Top 10 Website Monitoring Tools for 2024 (Free & Paid)
Introduction We all know that a website’s performance can make or break your business. Whether you’re running an e-commerce store, SaaS platform, or content-rich website, ensuring that your site is

How to Handle and Troubleshooting SIP 400 Bad Request Error
If you’re running into the dreaded SIP 400 – Bad Request Error, it might feel like you’re hitting a brick wall. But fear not! This type of error usually indicates

Top 10 Synthetic Monitoring Tools for 2024
When it comes to ensuring your website’s performance and uptime, synthetic monitoring tools have become indispensable. These tools help businesses proactively detect and resolve issues before they affect real users,

Monitoreo de sitios web para Black Friday y Cyber Monday: mejores prácticas
A medida que se acercan el Black Friday y el Cyber Monday, los sitios web de comercio electrónico se preparan para el tráfico más alto del año. Estos eventos de

Guía completa de la solución de monitoreo de DNS de Dotcom-Monitor
Introducción: La importancia del DNS en el ecosistema digital actual En el mundo digital actual, el éxito en línea de una empresa depende en gran medida de una infraestructura sólida.

WordPress vs. WP Engine: Protege tus sitios
Recientemente, estalló una disputa pública entre WordPress y WP Engine, una de las plataformas de alojamiento administrado de WordPress más populares. El desacuerdo se centra en el uso de la

Monitoreo de Sistemas Distribuidos
Supervisar sistemas distribuidos es esencial para mantener tu sistema funcionando sin problemas, de manera eficiente y confiable. Con la creciente dependencia de los sistemas distribuidos en todo, desde servicios web

Cómo usar Google PageSpeed Insights
La velocidad del sitio web es muy importante y no solo para mantener contentos a los visitantes, sino también para tener un buen desempeño en las clasificaciones de los motores