Tag: website speed test

Page Load Speed

Optimizing Web Performance: Understanding Waterfall Charts

When you’re working to improve your website’s performance, a waterfall chart is like a visual roadmap that shows you exactly where your site might need a boost. Whether you’re trying to speed up load times, improve the user experience, or fix any bottlenecks, understanding how to read and interpret a

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Google PageSpeed Insights Tool

How to Use Google PageSpeed Insights

Website speed is super important and not just for keeping visitors happy, but also for doing well in search engine rankings. That’s where Google PageSpeed Insights comes into play. It’s a free powerful tool that helps you check how your website performs and gives you easy-to-follow tips for making it

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Google Speed Ranking Factor | Dealing With Google Site Speed Factor

Pondering the New Google Speed Ranking Factor’s Ambiguity

No one is exactly sure about how Google’s site speed factor will exactly affect a specific website’s search rankings, nor is anyone sure about how Google’s site speed factoring will change in the future. There is some speculation that Google’s recent move is part of bigger plan to “warm-up” website owners to further prioritize faster site speeds. It’s difficult to speculate as currently Google will even recommend getting rid of its own Google Analytics to improve site speed on a page!

Dotcom-Monitor.com was quoted in a Dec. 4, 2009 article on CBSnews.com that in some instances especially large e-tailers may find themselves punished if Google added site speed to the search result algorithm. That remains to be seen, however, what is clear is that e-tailers and everyone else involved in maintaining search relevance is paying more attention to site speed relative to search rankings and monitoring for site speed.

Even with the unclear effects of Google’s site speed factor, there are things you can do to learn more about your site’s performance and to keep one step ahead of the Google site speed issue.

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Google Adds Site Speed as a Search Rank Factor

On Friday, April 9, 2010 Google officially announced that it was adding website speed as measured by how a page responds to a Googlebot and page load time as measured by Google Toolbar.

Dotcom-Monitor had an early heads-up that this might be coming while we were at the 2009 Pubcon Conference in Las Vegas with Google’s Guru of Algorithmic Spin Matt Cutts. It was there that Google’s Matt Cutts first noted that there was “heavy lobbying” at Google to add page load times to the Google search algorithm.

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