Dotcom-Monitor Launches On-Demand User Experience Monitoring for Web Applications and Transactions

Comprehensive User Experience Monitoring for Web Applications and Transactions

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User Experience Monitoring
User Experience Monitoring from Dotcom-Monitor

Wayzata, Minnesota – June 2, 2010 – Dotcom-Monitor, (, a leading provider of external active monitoring and analysis solutions, today announced the immediate availability of the most cost-effective, advanced web application monitoring tool on the market today for monitoring user experience, UserView Monitoring.

UserView Monitoring is a proactive, regular browser-based web application monitoring tool, providing real-time monitoring, alerts, and reports on a user’s experience of web application performance and component connectivity. This regular browser-based monitoring tool for web applications/online transaction deployments continues Dotcom-Monitor’s focus on providing cost-effective, external monitoring solutions to administrators for online retailers, interactive agencies, and other industries focused on providing the highest quality of user experience.

User Experience Monitoring via EveryStep Macro Recorder

Dotcom-Monitor browser-based UserView Monitoring solution utilizes a proprietary EveryStep Macro Recorder technology. EveryStep is a no-hassle macro recorder application, which automatically records “every step” in a user’s experience of a web application. UserView Monitoring is used to monitor the user’s experience of online shopping carts, login processes, etc… essentially every step in a user’s experience of a website or web application.

“As more organizations rely on interactive systems, it is important for user experience monitoring to proactively mimic the external end-user’s perspective, rather than only relying on passive internal statistical systems,” said Vadim Mazo, founder and chief technical officer of Dotcom-Monitor. “Moreover, much of the marketplace for “user experience” monitoring has been asking for an advanced, but cost-effective alternative. Vendors currently offering browser-based monitoring have a high price point, complicated evaluation/sales requirements, pre-payment pricing, and demand long-term contracts. UserView Monitoring™ offers a simplified, on-demand, and cost-effective approach.”

Rather than a large upfront investment in a monitoring system, many organizations user experience monitoring and uptime needs are best addressed by a true on-demand monitoring system with a free-to-try, pay-as-you-go, affordable service, and an automatic scripting process, like the EveryStep Macro Recorder. No other advanced browser-based monitoring service offers this combination of services.

Dotcom-Monitor UserView Monitoring keeps an eye on the ability of online web applications infrastructure components to establish and maintain user experience from an external perspective. Dotcom-Monitor monitors online transactions and web applications services using a regular Internet Explorer browser acting like a visitor to the website, including: clicking on links, filling out forms, hovering over page elements, and submitting data.

When a problem is detected, the Dotcom-Monitor notification feature sends an alert via phone, pager, email, or SMS. Additionally, real-time connectivity status reports are available via an intuitive online Dashboard interface with detailed analysis of “every step” in the user experience to help pinpoint where the error condition is occurring. This reporting functionality also includes detailed historical reports and charts for service management purposes, including Service Level Agreement (SLA) issues.

With monitoring customers around the world, business success for Dotcom-Monitor is synonymous with network uptime. “Dotcom-Monitor’s UserView Monitoring tool provides customers a unique, no-hassle, targeted solution for quickly identifying and resolving user experience issues that affect uptime performance and ultimately revenues,” noted Mazo. Dotcom-Monitor UserView Monitoring is available immediately at For more information, please call 1-888-479-0741, ext. 1, or email at .


About Dotcom-Monitor

The Dotcom-Monitor suite, is an advanced external Monitoring solution that ensures the uptime of your organization’s network infrastructure by bringing together Monitoring, Reporting, Notification, Escalation and Analysis in the combination best suited to your needs. You can learn more about UserView Monitoring, website monitoring, network monitoring, and web server monitoring services, as well as web load stress tests at

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