What Is Cloud Native Architecture? - Dotcom-Monitor What Is Cloud Native Architecture? - Dotcom-Monitor

What Is Cloud Native Architecture?

Embracing cloud-native principles is not just a technological shift but also a cultural and organizational change, fostering collaboration, efficiency, and the ability to adapt to changing business needs.

Cloud-native architecture is a strategic methodology that prioritizes the development and deployment of applications within cloud environments, as opposed to conventional on-premises configurations. This architectural approach harnesses numerous advantages of cloud computing frameworks, effectively leveraging microservices, containers, orchestration, DevOps methodologies, immutable infrastructure, observability mechanisms, resilience mechanisms, scalability measures, and API-centric communication. The primary objective of cloud-native architecture revolves around expediting and facilitating the agile delivery of value to end users while concurrently ensuring robust scalability and optimal utilization of computational resources.

External synthetic monitoring is essential in a cloud-native architecture where an application is distributed across various services and cloud providers. This monitoring approach helps detect downtime by regularly checking the availability of services from different geographical locations. It alerts teams about potential issues even if the internal system does not report any issues.

Furthermore, performance monitoring is another critical aspect of external synthetic monitoring. It simulates user interactions from various locations and measures the latency experienced by users globally, ensuring a consistent and satisfactory user experience. By implementing external synthetic monitoring in a cloud-native environment, teams can detect downtime, ensure service availability from different locations, and optimize the user experience.

Characteristics of Cloud — Native Architecture


Microservices provide the foundation for building scalable and flexible applications in the cloud. Organizations can achieve greater agility and maintainability by breaking down applications into smaller, independent microservices. Each microservice focuses on a specific business capability, allowing the development team to work on different services concurrently and deploy them independently. This approach promotes faster development cycles, as teams can iterate and release updates to individual microservices without affecting the entire application. Microservices also enable teams to scale services independently based on demand and ensure efficient resource utilization.

In addition, the loose coupling between microservices allows an organization to adopt different technologies and programming languages for each service. This flexibility enables the team to choose the most suitable tools and frameworks for each microservice, leveraging the strengths of different technology without being constrained by a monolithic architecture.



Containers provide a lightweight, portable runtime environment that encapsulates microservices and their dependencies. With containers, developers can package an application and all required libraries, frameworks, and configurations into a single, self-contained unit. This eliminates compatibility issues and ensures consistency across the different environments, from development through testing and production.

Containers offer several benefits for cloud-native applications. They provide isolation, allowing each microservices to run independently without interrupting other services or the underlying infrastructure. This isolation ensures that changes made to one microservice do not impact the stability or functionality of another.

Containers also provide a high level of portability, allowing applications to run consistently across different environments. They encapsulate all the necessary dependencies and configurations, making it easier to package and move applications between different development, testing, and production environments. This portability enables developers to seamlessly deploy applications on various platforms, such as cloud providers or on-premises infrastructure, without compatibility issues.

Furthermore, containers can be easily replicated and orchestrated to handle increased workloads or user demands. Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes provide automated scaling capabilities that allow applications to scale up or down based on resource utilization metrics. By scaling containers horizontally, multiple instances of the same container can be created to distribute the load, ensuring optimal performance and availability. This scalability feature allows cloud-native applications to adapt to fluctuating workloads efficiently and improve overall system performance.



Orchestration tools like Kubernetes are essential for effectively managing containers in cloud-native architecture and overseeing their lifecycle. Kubernetes is a powerful platform for automating container deployment, scaling, and management across multiple machines. For instance, consider a scenario where an e-commerce application runs on Kubernetes. With Kubernetes, containers can be automatically deployed, scaled, and managed to handle fluctuations in customer traffic and ensure smooth operations.

One of the primary responsibilities of orchestration tools is efficiently scheduling containers onto available resources. Kubernetes excels in this area by intelligently distributing containers based on their resource requirements and constraints. It considers factors such as CPU and memory availability, load balancing, and affinity rules to place containers strategically, optimizing the utilization of the underlying infrastructure.

By leveraging these considerations, Kubernetes maximizes performance and resilience, ensuring that containers are placed to balance the workload across the available resources, enabling efficient resource utilization and preventing bottlenecks. This contributes to a highly reliable and scalable cloud-native environment.


DevOps Practices

DevOps practices, especially Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), are integral to a cloud-native architecture. CI/CD is a set principal and practices that automate the entire software delivery pipeline, from code change to production deployment. It plays a vital role in accelerating the development lifecycle, enhancing collaboration between development and operations teams, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality software.

Continuous integration automatically merges code changes from multiple developers into a shared repository. It enables teams to catch integration issues early by running automated tests promoting early bug detection and maintaining a stable codebase. On the other hand, continuous delivery streamlines the release process by automating it, enabling organizations to swiftly and frequently deploy software to production. This approach ensures comprehensive testing and quality assurance, encompassing functional tests, performance evaluations, and security validations. At the same time, automated deployment pipelines guarantee consistent, reproducible software releases devoid of manual errors.


Immutable Infrastructure

In cloud-native architecture, immutable infrastructure plays a crucial role by ensuring that infrastructure components cannot be modified once deployed. Instead, a new instance is created with the desired configuration, completely replacing the old one. This approach offers numerous benefits for cloud-native applications.

Cloud Native Architecture Example Scenario

Consider a popular e-commerce platform that utilizes cloud-native architecture with immutable infrastructure. Whenever a new version of the application is released, a fresh instance is provisioned, precisely configured, and deployed. This new instance inherits all the knowledge and specifications required for optimal performance and reliability. By eliminating configuration drift, hidden inconsistencies are prevented from accumulating over time.

This approach significantly enhances the application’s resilience and reduces the risk of outages. If a critical issue or vulnerability is discovered in the infrastructure, the platform can swiftly address it by provisioning a new instance with the updated configuration. This process can be automated and replicated effortlessly across multiple environments, ensuring consistency and stability.

The ability to rapidly replace infrastructure components minimizes downtime and mitigates the impact on the application. By swiftly transitioning to a new instance, businesses can maintain seamless operations, providing customers with uninterrupted service and an exceptional user experience. This level of agility and reliability is made possible by the immutable infrastructure approach in cloud-native architecture.



Observability is critical in cloud-native architecture, emphasizing the need for comprehensive monitoring, logging, and tracing capabilities within applications. By incorporating observability features into the design and development process, developers gain valuable insights into the state and performance of the application, enabling them to detect and resolve issues efficiently. Monitoring provides real-time visibility into the health and performance of the application by collecting and analyzing various metrics and indicators. It allows developers to monitor key performance indicators, resource degradation, or anomalies. This information helps optimize the application, make data-driven decisions, and ensure it meets desired performance standards.



Resilience emphasizes the ability of cloud-native applications to withstand and recover from failure. Cloud-native applications are designed with built-in mechanisms to ensure fault tolerance and self-healing, reducing downtime and ensuring the availability of services. Cloud-native applications use techniques such as redundancy and replication to achieve resilience. Critical components and services are duplicated across multiple instances or clusters, ensuring that the workload can be automatically shifted to another without disruption if one instance fails. This reduces the impact of failure on the overall system, allowing uninterrupted system operations.

Furthermore, cloud-native applications leverage automated monitoring and health checks to detect failures or degradation in real-time. When an issue is detected, the application can automatically initiate recovery processes, such as restarting failed components or spinning up new instances. This self-healing capability ensures that the application remains operational and reduces the need for manual intervention.

By incorporating resilience as a fundamental aspect of application design, cloud-native architecture significantly enhances the reliability and availability of services. These applications can handle failures, swiftly recover, and effortlessly adapt to evolving conditions, leading to enhanced uptime and an improved user experience. Combining redundancy, automation, and self-healing mechanisms empowers cloud-native applications to achieve exceptional fault tolerance levels, reducing the impact of failures and ensuring robustness in dynamic and distributed environments.



Scalability allows cloud-native applications to handle varying workloads and accommodate increased demand efficiently. Cloud-native architecture prioritizes horizontal scaling, which involves adding more instances of services to distribute the load, as opposed to vertical scaling, which involves upgrading the hardware of individual instances.

Horizontal scaling enables cloud-native applications to handle increased traffic and workload by distributing the load across multiple instances. As the demand grows, additional instances can be provisioned and deployed automatically to share the load and ensure optimal performance. This approach provides flexibility and elasticity, allowing applications to scale up and down based on real-time requirements.

Horizontal scaling within a cloud-native architecture optimizes resource utilization by distributing the workload across multiple instances. This approach facilitates rapid deployment, scalability, and component isolation, maximizing overall system efficiency.

API-Driven Communication in Cloud Native Architecture

Cloud-native architecture enhances the interaction and communication between services within an application by leveraging APIs as fundamental building blocks. These APIs facilitate seamless data exchange and promote effective collaboration among different components and services.

APIs enable cloud-native applications to establish a loosely-coupled architecture, empowering each service to operate independently while communicating with others through well-defined interfaces. This architectural approach significantly enhances flexibility and modularity, as services can evolve and scale independently without causing disruptions to the entire application. Developers can design, deploy, and update services without tightly coupling them to specific implementations, fostering agile development and continuous integration.

Consequently, this allows development teams to embrace a more efficient and iterative workflow, enabling them to respond rapidly to changing requirements and deliver high-quality software at an accelerated pace.

Goals of Cloud-Native Architecture

Cloud-native architecture aims to leverage the full potential of cloud computing, enabling organizations to build scalable, resilient, and flexible applications. Here are some of the goals of cloud-native architecture


Rapid and Flexible Value Delivery

Cloud-native applications are designed with agility, allowing development teams to quickly iterate, deploy, and release new features and updates. By leveraging microservices and containers, development teams can work on individual components independently, enabling faster development cycles and continuous delivery of new functionalities. This enables organizations to respond promptly to market demand, user feedback, and changing business requirements, ensuring value is delivered to end users on time.


Resilience and Scalability

Cloud-native applications are designed to be fault tolerant and self-healing, allowing them to recover from failure automatically and minimize downtime. By leveraging orchestration tools like Kubernetes, cloud-native applications can effectively manage and scale many containers across clusters of machines. This enables applications to handle varying workloads and seamlessly adapt to changing demands, ensuring optimal performance and user experience even during high user-load.


Cost Efficiency

Cloud-native architecture aims to optimize resource usage and reduce operational costs. Leveraging cloud services, such as serverless computing and pay-as-you-go models, allows organizations to scale resources precisely as needed and avoid overprovisioning, leading to cost savings.


DevOps Collaboration

Cloud-native architecture promotes close collaboration between development and operations teams. By adopting practices like continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), infrastructure-as-code (IaC), and automated testing, organizations can streamline the development and deployment process, fostering better collaboration and faster feedback loops.



Cloud-native architecture emphasizes portability, allowing applications to run seamlessly across multiple cloud platforms and environments. Using containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes, applications can be packaged with their dependencies and easily deployed across various cloud providers or on-premises environments.



Observability is a critical goal of cloud-native architecture, enabling organizations to gain insights into the behavior and performance of their applications. By implementing robust monitoring, logging, and tracing mechanisms, teams can gather real-time data on application metrics, logs, and request traces. This data helps identify performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and optimize the application’s overall performance.

Observability is crucial in managing cloud-native applications, especially as they become increasingly complex and distributed across numerous services. It infers the internal state and behaviors of the system based on the signals or data it externally outputs. These signals come in logs, metrics, and traces, often called the “three pillars” of observability.

  • Logs: Logs are event-based records that capture information about activities, behaviors, and events in an application and its infrastructure. They provide details like event sequences, error messages, and information. Logs serve as a historical record, allowing retrospective analysis and troubleshooting. It helps to understand system behavior during issues or specific actions.


  • Metrics: Metrics are quantifiable data that assess system performance, providing insights into an application’s health and behavior. Important monitoring metrics include request rate, error rate, response time, and resource utilization. Request rate helps scale resources based on incoming requests. Error rate identifies failures, enabling prompt issue resolution and improving system reliability. Response time measures system efficiency and user experience, helping identify bottlenecks and optimize performance. Resource utilization metrics track CPU, memory, and disk space usage, ensuring efficient resource allocation, detecting anomalies, and optimizing resource usage for better performance and cost-effectiveness.


  • Traces: Traces offer a detailed record of how a request traverses through various microservices in a distributed system. They capture the entire lifecycle of a request, enabling teams to gain deep insights into service performance, latency, and dependencies. By analyzing traces, developers can optimize system architecture and improve overall system performance.

Monitoring in Cloud-Native Architecture

Monitoring involves continuous data collection on various aspects of the cloud-native application, such as resource time, error rate, and other relevant metrics. It plays a critical role in providing essential data for observability by gathering and storing information from diverse sources like logs, metrics, and traces. This data is then analyzed and well presented, offering insights into system behavior and performance. Through dashboards and alert mechanisms, teams can monitor the health and performance of their cloud-native applications, ensuring a reliable and high-performing user experience. Generally, monitoring is vital for effectively managing and maintaining cloud-native applications, allowing for optimized performance, enhanced resilience, and efficient resource utilization.

Cloud-native architecture requires a monitoring solution that can effectively handle the dynamic nature of the environment. Such a solution should possess specific capabilities to ensure comprehensive visibility, efficient data handling, and issue detection. The following highlight some of the importance of monitoring in a cloud-native architecture:

Auto-Discovery and Monitoring of Services and Containers

In a cloud-native environment, where services and containers are created and scaled dynamically, auto-discovery and monitoring of these components are crucial. By automatically detecting and collecting data from newly created services or containers, the monitoring system eliminates the need for manual configuration. This capability enables the system to keep up with the dynamic nature of the environment, providing comprehensive visibility into the entire system.

Efficient Handling of High Volumes of Data and Metrics

Cloud-native architectures often involve numerous microservices interacting with each other, resulting in high volumes of data and a high cardinality of metrics. A monitoring system must be capable of efficiently ingesting, processing, and storing this large amount of data in real-time. The monitoring system supports effective monitoring and troubleshooting by enabling teams to analyze and gain insights from the vast metrics, logs, and traces generated by microservices.

Real-time Alerting for Issue Detection

Real-time alerting based on the health and performance of the system is critical for proactive issue detection and timely response. A monitoring system should allow the definition of alert rules and thresholds based on specific metrics, logs, or traces. When anomalies or issues occur, such as high error rates, resource exhaustion, or performance degradation, the monitoring system triggers alerts in real-time. This enables the appropriate team members to be notified promptly, swiftly resolving issues and minimizing downtime.

Tracing Interactions and Dependencies between Microservices

Tracing tools like Jaeger and Zipkin play a significant role in cloud-native architectures. These tracing tools capture and analyze the interactions between microservices, allowing teams to understand the flow of requests, identify latency bottlenecks, and trace dependencies between services. Tracing tools contribute to the system’s effective performance optimization and troubleshooting by providing visibility into the complex interactions within the cloud-native architecture.

External Synthetic Monitoring in Cloud Native Architecture

External synthetic monitoring is a technique used to assess the performance and availability of an application, system, or website by simulating user interactions. It involves creating artificial transactions that mimic real user behavior and monitoring the response times and functionalities of the application during these simulated interactions.

In external synthetic monitoring, predefined scripts or test cases are executed regularly from various locations and devices. These scripts simulate interactions like clicking links, submitting forms, or navigating different pages. Synthetic monitoring tools can perform these scripted interactions and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as response time, availability, uptime, and functionality.

External synthetic monitoring aims to provide insights into an application’s performance and user experience. It helps identify potential issues, such as slow response times, errors, or service disruptions before real users encounter them. External synthetic monitoring can also detect performance discrepancies based on location-specific factors like network latency by monitoring from different geographical locations.

External synthetic monitoring enables organizations to optimize their application’s performance, improve user experience, and meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs). It complements other monitoring techniques, such as Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Internal monitoring, by providing a controlled and repeatable way to assess and validate application performance from an end-user perspective.

How External Synthetic Monitoring Fits into Cloud-Native Architecture Monitoring Strategies

Cloud-native applications are designed to be highly dynamic, distributed and often consist of multiple microservices. Monitoring such complex environments requires a comprehensive approach, including real-time and external synthetic monitoring techniques. Here’s how external synthetic monitoring fits into cloud-native architecture monitoring strategies:


Detecting Downtime

External synthetic monitoring is vital in identifying downtime within a cloud-native architecture. Even if an internal monitoring system shows no signs of trouble, a single failing service can lead to widespread disruptions. External synthetic monitoring serves as an early warning system by consistently assessing service availability across various geographical locations and promptly notifying you of downtime or unavailability. This added layer of visibility ensures that you can swiftly address issues and mitigate their impact on your users.


Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring is crucial in a cloud-native environment where services are spread across multiple locations. And It is essential to maintain a consistent user experience across these locations. External synthetic monitoring enables the simulation of user interactions from diverse locations, providing valuable insights into latency experienced by users worldwide. By closely monitoring performance in real-world scenarios, it becomes possible to identify and address latency issues, optimize infrastructure and code, and ultimately deliver a seamless user experience across all regions.


Alerting and Incident Response

External synthetic monitoring helps to identify issues before they escalate and impact users by setting up alerting rules based on predefined thresholds. It enables you to receive real-time alerts when certain metrics or performance indicators deviate from expected values. These alerts can seamlessly integrate into your incident response pipeline, triggering automated actions such as rollbacks, scaling operations, or notifying your on-call engineer. This ensures that incidents are promptly addressed and resolved, minimizing downtime and maintaining the reliability of your cloud-native applications.


Service Level Agreement (SLA) Enforcement

External synthetic monitoring is essential in enforcing SLAs by continuously monitoring the performance and availability of your cloud-native applications. By collecting performance data and comparing it against agreed-upon SLAs, service providers can be held accountable for any deviations or instances of underperformance. This data serves as concrete evidence to support discussions and negotiations, ensuring that the services you rely on meet the promised performance levels and deliver the expected quality of service to your users.

You can leverage external synthetic monitoring to enhance observability and monitoring capabilities within your cloud-native architecture. This approach enables you to detect downtime, monitor performance across various regions, address issues, and effectively enforce SLAs with third-party services. By adopting this monitoring strategy, you can consistently deliver a reliable and high-performing user experience while maintaining the integrity and stability of your cloud-native applications.

Cloud Native Architecture—Wrapping It All Up

Cloud-native architecture has emerged as an innovative approach to building and deploying modern applications. Organizations can achieve unprecedented scalability, resilience, and agility by leveraging the power of the cloud, containerization, and microservices.

Cloud-native architectures’ inherent flexibility and portability enable seamless integration with various platforms and technologies, facilitating rapid innovation and reducing time-to-market. With its focus on automation, observability, and continuous delivery, cloud-native architecture empowers development teams to iterate and evolve applications faster.

Embracing cloud-native principles is not just a technological shift but also a cultural and organizational change, fostering collaboration, efficiency, and the ability to adapt to changing business needs. Ultimately, cloud-native architecture paves the way for a future where applications are designed and developed to fully harness the potential of the cloud, enabling businesses to thrive in the digital era.


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