What is Application Monitoring?

Introduction – Essential for Modern IT Operations

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, where applications drive business processes and user satisfaction, Application Monitoring has become a critical component of IT operations. This practice involves tracking and managing application performance to ensure optimal functionality and user experience. By constantly monitoring web application health, businesses can preemptively address potential issues, minimize downtime, and maintain high service standards to optimize a user’s digital experience.

What is Application Monitoring?

Application Monitoring refers to the continuous assessment of applications by application monitoring solutions to ensure they perform as expected and provide a quality experience to the end users. It involves collecting and analyzing performance data to detect deviations or issues affecting the application’s functionality, efficiency, or security.

Critical Components of Application Monitoring

  1. Performance Monitoring: Tracks key performance indicators like response times, server CPU usage, memory usage, network latency, and error rates. This data helps identify bottlenecks and performance degradation in real-time. Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools provide deep insights at the code level and help debug software applications’ performance problems.
  2. Error Tracking and Diagnostics: Automatically detects errors and exceptions within applications and helps pinpoint the root cause of issues. This component is crucial for troubleshooting and reducing the mean time to resolution (MTTR). APM tools offer dependency mapping and detailed diagnostics to assist DevOps teams in resolving issues faster.
  3. User Experience Monitoring: Analyzes how real users interact with applications, focusing on page load times, click paths, and user engagement. Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Synthetic Monitoring provide insights into actual and simulated user experiences, enhancing the overall end-user experience.
  4. Infrastructure Monitoring: Observe the underlying hardware and network infrastructure that supports the application. This level of observability includes monitoring servers, databases and database queries, network devices, and their dependencies to confirm they are operating correctly and efficiently. Network monitoring tools also track data flow across the entire application environment, from front-end to back-end.

Benefits of Application Monitoring

  1. Enhanced User Experience: By ensuring applications perform well and are free of issues, businesses can directly improve the customer experience, resulting in higher satisfaction and retention and a direct revenue increase.
  2. Proactive Problem Resolution: Application monitoring software enables IT teams to detect and quickly resolve issues before they impact the user, dramatically reducing downtime and the potential for negative user experiences.
  3. Improved Operational Efficiency: With detailed insights into application performance and user behavior, companies can optimize their operations, streamline DevOps workflows, and reduce costly resource consumption.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: The collected performance data helps make informed decisions about application upgrades, infrastructure investments, and other IT strategies.

Implementing Application Monitoring

  1. Define Monitoring Objectives: Determine which application aspects are most critical to monitor based on business needs and user expectations. These activities may include uptime, performance metrics, and user interaction data.
  2. Select Monitoring Tools: Choose tools that provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities across performance, user experience at endpoint devices, and infrastructure across custom use cases. Consider tools that integrate well with existing systems and support automated alerting and reporting, such as those offered by APM providers like New Relic. These tools should cover various environments, including on-premises, SaaS, and full-stack observability for cloud-native applications.
  3. Set Up and Configuration: Deploy monitoring solutions across the application’s environment, configuring them to track the specified metrics and set threshold values for when IT teams need notifications about potential issues. This includes configuring dashboards for real-time visualization of application health using waterfall diagramming to indicate when remediation is required.
  4. Continuous Review and Optimization: Regularly review the data and insights provided by the monitoring tools to refine and optimize the monitoring strategy continually. Adjust thresholds and KPIs to align with evolving business goals and technology updates, including adjustments for cloud-native and multi-cloud environments.


Application Monitoring is an indispensable strategy for any organization that relies on digital applications to conduct business. It ensures the smooth functioning of applications and drives better business outcomes by enhancing user satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Dotcom-Monitor’s web application monitoring capabilities are comprehensive, allowing you to monitor anything that is rendered in many browsers. This includes applications built with modern frameworks and technologies such as HTML5, AJAX, and various JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular. The service also offers integration with many third-party tools for enhanced collaboration and alerting.

Ready to see how Application Monitoring can transform your development process?
Sign up for a free trial today or schedule a demo to see it in action!